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7573 Slater Ave. unit M
Huntington Beach, CA



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Not Your Average Joseph Eichler

Glen Warren

We recently had the wonderful opportunity to stage a newly and exquisitely restored Eichler home in Orange County, California.  We worked closely with Mid-Mod Mogul, Kelly Laule of Eichler SoCal, who is responsible for updating and selling the home.  The layout of the house is phenomenal with floor-to-ceiling glass walls running most of the span of the vaulted atrium. 4 bedrooms flank the left and right wings of the home.  The home is currently entertaining an offer, but is still accepting backup offers. Call Kelly quick!

A huge, open-air atrium patio welcomes everyone as they enter the home. The amount of natural light that floods this home is unreal.

A huge, open-air atrium patio welcomes everyone as they enter the home. The amount of natural light that floods this home is unreal.

The central atrium livingroom features our Classic Daybed paired with our Classic Sectional.

The central atrium livingroom features our Classic Daybed paired with our Classic Sectional.

This home features the quintessential Eichler concept of a seamless merge of indoor / outdoor living.

This home features the quintessential Eichler concept of a seamless merge of indoor / outdoor living.

A well designed open floor plan lets the sleek lines and meticulous craftsmanship of our furniture really shine when the sofas are allowed to float in the center of the room and provide a grounded space for community and entertaining.

A well designed open floor plan lets the sleek lines and meticulous craftsmanship of our furniture really shine when the sofas are allowed to float in the center of the room and provide a grounded space for community and entertaining.

This home features a lovely built-in, custom floating credenza and shelving unit at the entry way. Built-ins are a perfect solution for spaces that require something structural, functional, and custom-sized without the heavy price tag and pain of tr…

This home features a lovely built-in, custom floating credenza and shelving unit at the entry way. Built-ins are a perfect solution for spaces that require something structural, functional, and custom-sized without the heavy price tag and pain of trying to find a perfect vintage piece. Eichler and his architects prove here once again that it can be done with class, taste, and minimal effort.

Many of our vintage pieces populate and harmonize with the space including a cute, compact wall unit, two chairs, and a Modeline floorlamp sidetable.

Many of our vintage pieces populate and harmonize with the space including a cute, compact wall unit, two chairs, and a Modeline floorlamp sidetable.

This home truly embodies all the trademark tenets of Eichler living and we are so proud to have been a part of showcasing it's standout, timeless, and fantastic design.

This home truly embodies all the trademark tenets of Eichler living and we are so proud to have been a part of showcasing it's standout, timeless, and fantastic design.